NWD Projects
River Campus, Rochester, NY – University of Rochester Program of Dance and Movement

River Campus, Rochester, NY – University of Rochester Program of Dance and Movement

We are honoring the Genesee River which borders the university and has impacted the history of Rochester in many ways; we are also inviting indigenous people to share in this celebration to acknowledge the original stewards of the land; and lastly we are inviting the organization of Water for South Sudan to participate in the event so as to shed some light on places in the world where fresh water is scarce and where people have to go to great effort to find and collect water daily. Here in Rochester, we are in an area of the world with a rich supply of fresh water because of the Great Lakes and the smaller but still significant, Finger Lakes that run throughout this region. May we never take this for granted.


  • Water for South Sudan and Trish Corcoran